Get Rid of Anxiety


It pulls at you. It pulls with all its strength. You feel like you are being pulled down, down, down, into a never ending dark pit, like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.


 The word itself makes my palms sweaty, and puts butterflies in my stomach. I get all jittery.

I have come to realize that I deal with anxiety a lot. And instead of hiding it, I have decided to just come out with it, because hiding it makes me even more anxious.

I become anxious over the big things and the small things.

I get anxious about making decisions. I get anxious about buying things. I get anxious over money. I get anxious in certain social interactions, when I start believing the other person is thinking judgmental things about me. I get anxious about the future. I get anxious about almost everything.

Anxiety is just fear. That's all it is.

Well, I get tired of being anxious all the time. Letting anxiety take over is exhausting. I'm always overthinking things, instead of listening to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. I'm always thinking the worse of a situation instead of trying to find the positive.

So what should I do?

Here are some ways I have found are a great way to reduce anxiety:

1) Gratitude. Being thankful for all the simple things in life. Writing down all the things I am thankful for reduces the need for me to be anxious about what I don't have.

2) Reading God's Word. Reading the Bible, even just one encouraging verse, helps me to stay calm.

3) Not caring about what other people think. This is one of the most challenging things for me. I find myself thinking often of what other people may or may not be thinking/saying about me. I have to constantly be reminded to be myself. I can't fall into the trap of becoming like someone else. I need to be listening to what God says about me, not what others say. I need to start caring about who God says I am.

4) Worship. I love worshiping God in the car on my way to work. It not only honors God, but I am also helping myself to become more relaxed, and to put my trust in Him, instead of relying on myself.

5) Prayer. While these are all important, I have realized that prayer is the most powerful way to reduce/get rid of anxiety. Instead of worrying about a certain situation, I pray about it. It can be anything. God is interested in every aspect of my life (and yours, too)!

I am not an expert of this by any means, but doing these things have definitely helped me to get rid of anxiety, and I hope they will help you too!

Find some ways that will help you get rid of anxiety, because God doesn't want us to be anxious. He wants us to put our trust in Him, instead of relying on our own power. We can't do this on our own.

"Do not be anxious about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." - Philippians 4:6


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