
Showing posts from February, 2019

Be Done with Idolatry

"You shall have no other gods before me." - Exodus 20:3  Whenever I read this scripture, I immediately dismiss it, thinking, "Got it. No problem with idolatry here." When I would read it, I would think of the gods in the Old Testament that people would worship. You know, like when the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf when Moses was trying to take them to the Promised Land? I used to think of idolatry as people who worshipped other fake gods instead of the one true God.  However, idolatry isn't just the worship of other gods, such as Buddha or Allah.   This is the definition of idolatry, according to Merriam-Webster:            1. the worship of a physical object as a god            2. immoderate attachment or devotion to something This means then, that anything we put before God, is an idol. Anything that we can't stop meditating on is an idol. The Bible makes it very clear that idolatry is a sin, not just in the Old Testament, but i