
Showing posts from July, 2014

Stand Strong

Check out this new song by Moriah Peters!

Just Do It!

Ever had God tell you to do something and you didn't do it and then you regret not doing it? I know, it's kind of a silly question. You're probably thinking, "Uh, yeah. Don't we all?"  This morning I was reading my devotional. Usually I ask God to direct me to the verse that I need to hear for that day when I open my Bible. Most of the time, He directs me to just the right verse. Today it was James 4:17, which says, "Remember it is sin to know what you ought to do and not do it." Now, I have heard this scripture before, but I never really put much thought into it. I read it several times so that I could catch the message of it. " is SIN to know what you ought to do and not do it." Did you hear that? It is SIN to know what you should do and not do it!  Most of the time when we don't do something God asked us to do, it's because we are embarrassed or thinking too much of what others are thinking about us. We don't want t