Dear Churches, Here are Some of the Reasons People are Leaving Your Buildings

Dear Churches,

I have been sad to see how many people are leaving your buildings.

You say that the reason people are leaving is because they are not hungry for spiritual food. Instead they are seeking out what the world has to give them. I regret to inform you that I think you are wrong. While some may be seeking the world instead of God, not all are. I believe people are hungry spiritually, but unfortunately, they are not being fed properly by your "church."

You say that the reason people are leaving is the rest of the world's fault. The world is feeding people garbage, and these people are falling into that trap. They are not hungry spiritually anymore because they are being fed garbage. But you are wrong. While the world is feeding us garbage, not everyone is falling into this trap. Just because someone is not attending your "church" does not mean they are stepping away from their faith.

You say that it is the media's fault. The media is painting Christians in a bad light. While that may be the case, it is not the media's fault.

Unfortunately, church, you blame everyone. You blame everyone else except yourselves. And I hate to say this, church, but....

YOU are the reason people are leaving your buildings.

1. You say you are a "church," but really you are just another business, asking people to put money in the offering plate instead of relying on God for money. You are relying on people. And it's no wonder when people stop showing up at church, you plan for a visiting pastor to come, and you advertise it, and then take up TWO offerings, so that you can pay the electric bill. Oh, and giving to the visiting pastor, since he is also most likely in need of money. If you don't make enough money that way, you put on a drama or production, and then ask people to give. 2 Cor. 2:17 calls people who preach for profit "hucksters." A huckster is someone who goes door to door to sell or promote something. Church, if you don't think you are doing this, you may want to take a closer look at how you deal with money.

2. And then there's the youth groups. Just so they can feel like they are part of the church, you organize youth mission trips (which are actually just vacations for youth who want to get away from their parents for the summer). But oh, these are only for youth, no one else. Sorry 'boutcha. These youth spend several days or weeks together, with people their own age. Then the parents wonder why their teens are so rebellious when they come back home. Like, what did they do on their "mission trip" anyway? You try to separate them from the rest of the church, just so they can feel like they are somehow more powerful than they think. Aren't we all supposed to encourage one another together? I don't remember anywhere in the Bible where is says to separate the youth from the older adults. Actually, I believe this is stifling their growth. They should be learning from the older adults instead of playing immature games in another room. And then you wonder why teenagers are the ones who are leaving the churches more than any other group of people. Because your youth groups are apparently not helping them grow in the Lord. You are trying to entertain them instead of helping them grow. They are already being entertained by the rest of the world. Your entertainment focus is not keeping them.

3. Religion. Religion says, "You better be here every time the church doors are open." You stand there from the pulpit and get angry when people are not there every time those doors are open. And then you have an altar call to make people think there is something wrong with them, that they are not hungry enough for God. But wait a minute. I thought it didn't matter how many people were there? I thought the Bible said not to neglect the meeting of the assembly? I never read anything about having to be in the church building 24/7. See, the Bible says nothing about meeting together in "church buildings." It only says not to neglect the meeting together of the assembly, which is the Church. The reason I capitalized the "C" in the word "Church" is because we ARE the Church. A building is not the Church. It's only a place where a small portion of the Church meets. It's silly when we say "We are going to church." No, we are not going to church. WE are the Church. So really, it doesn't matter how many people meet together to encourage one another in the faith. God just tells us not to neglect the meeting of the assembly. (Hebrews 10:25) He does not say how many people should be there, and where they should meet. Because that doesn't matter. God can move through people anywhere He wants. So please dear churches, do not condemn people for not showing up every time you have an event.

4. Evangelism. Church, you want people to come to YOUR building. So you have events at YOUR church. You advertise to the community about YOUR church. But Heaven forbid, you won't go out there to evangelize to people. You won't take the time to get to know people outside of YOUR building. You won't take the time to step out of your comfort zone and seek to help the people outside YOUR church building. If you call pulling people into YOUR building, just to make some money, "evangelism"....I'm sorry, but that is NOT evangelism. The Bible does not say, "Have events at your church building, so that you can preach the Gospel to these people." No, the Bible says, "GO, and make disciples." (Matt. 28:19) "GO, and preach the Gospel to all creation." (Mark 16:15)

Dearest churches, I could go on and on about the things that I have seen in many of your buildings. But I think what it comes down to is this: are you going to continue to blame others for leaving your church buildings? Or are you going to realize that it is your own fault, and become willing to change your ways so that people will come? The truth is, we need more than ever to meet with other believers. The world is becoming darker and darker, and we need to encourage one another. But I truly believe that if the leaders of these churches do not change their ways, Christians will start meeting in their homes more. They will find other ways to meet with believers than going to a building that labels themselves a "church."

And maybe, just maybe...if more people started leaving their denominations and start gathering together as the one true Church, instead of getting caught up in their little buildings, there would be a revival in America and in other countries as well.

Churches, I am praying that you will realize your need for change. And even if you don't, I pray that the Body of Christ, the true Church, will rise up and realize their need for gathering together, even though they do not have a "church" building. Because in the end, without all these buildings, we will still be the Church.

Church, I love you, but it's time to wake up.

A Fellow Believer in Christ


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