One Body

This week I am featuring a poem that my mom wrote. It's not only a summary of her spiritual journey, I also believe it is a great prophetic word for the new year. Hope you will be blessed by it!

One Body

The Baptist church introduced me to a relationship with Jesus Christ,

The Presbyterian church taught me to be quiet in His presence.

The Lutheran church showed me the value of good deeds,

The Brethren church introduced me to world missions.

The Catholic church gave me a love for family,

The Vineyard church ministered healing to my broken heart.

The Assemblies of God church taught me to honor the Holy Spirit,

The Word of Faith church admonished me to use my tongue wisely.

The Pentecostal church gave me the freedom to dance,

The Apostolic church unveiled to me the foundations of The Church.

The pieces of my spiritual puzzle are still coming together,

But this has been my journey thus far.

So which one of these churches do I belong to?

None exclusively … But all in part. 

For God says in His Word .. “When one says I am of Apollo, and another says I am of Paul, are you not carnal?” (1 Cor. 3:4)

For this reason, we repent and say … We are ALL of Christ!

Personal Note: If we cling tightly to our denomination and our doctrine, we will miss what God is doing in the earth.  Remember that God only designed One Body.  Let’s make 2016 the year that we lay down our differences, and live as One!



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